February 21, 2012

The Save Shelby Mob Tells Taxpayers: To Hell With Decorum At Meetings - Our “Entitlements” Comes First!!!

Shelby taxpayers, both life-long residents and those who are new to our community, have been shocked and chagrined by how a small band of political goons have been bullying our elected Board of Trustees.  These people must think they are living in the wild, wild west — where the biggest gun or the one who chews the loudest wins?

At no time in Shelby Township history have we seen such an unruly band of disorderly grunts.  What is happening today is a total disgrace to our township, and those provocateurs who are engaging in such “planned chaos” could care less what happens as they attack everyone who goes against them for some kind of political end.  

This small, but obnoxious, group that has been wasting valuable oxygen complaining about an arrogant Board has the entire argument completely backward.  It is the very people doing all the bitching who are the ones who are arrogant, disorderly, disrespectful, rude, vulgar and just plain stupid in their words and deeds. 

Democracy is terrific.  Freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, the right to bear arms, freedom of worship, freedom of the press and all the rest.  Yes, freedom is the best, however some people just don’t understand the value of what they have.  Freedom brings with it responsibility.  The small group of trouble makers -- known around Shelby as the BOBBLEMAN BUNCH -- are focused on obstruction.  They have an axe to grind, as Phil Nye stated on a recent edition of Shelby This Week, and they absolutely could give a damn whose head gets whacked off as they swing their political axe.

This mob forgets how their political hero, Skip Maccarone, bemoaned taxpayers as little more than a “peanut gallery.” They conveniently overlook how Maccarone promised he would never support a massive rezoning at 26 and Van Dyke, but after winning election flipped off taxpayers and pushed the rezoning.  They forget how Maccarone wanted to send $50 million for his campus, forcing millions in new bonds on taxpayers without a vote of the people.  They forget how Maccarone refused to accept projections of trouble ahead for Shelby, and just kept spending and spending more and more without a care in the world.

The indisputable face is that life is much better today here in Shelby Township.  Supervisor Stathakis and the Board have done the job they were elected to do - and this really pisses off their enemies.  The Supervisor and Board have faced a series of attacks from this group for more than three years - beginning when the Board sought bids for towing.  Threats, recalls, lies, distortion, more lies and now organized disruptions and planned chaos.  

This mob believes the ideal way to get their way is to shout down dissenting speakers, stampede the podium to try, threaten recalls of elected officials, hire a clown (who lives outside our township) to mock democracy, use four-letter words to talk about our township, slander people on Facebook and blogs and, in general, act like utter fools on television.

Residents who care about our township are watching all this and wondering what is going through the minds of these people.  There is one clear fact:  Supervisor Stathakis and our Trustees have held firm on their pledge to fight for taxpayers.  They have done the job and have a record of solid performance.
- Our Trustees have brought positive change to our township, over the objections and self-destructive conduct of a few.  
Our Trustees have successfully challenged the “good old boys” club, feeling the wrath of these status quo protectors in the process. 
Our Trustees have expanded and enhanced the township’s competitive bid process for services, angering those who feel entitled to a lifetime township contract (towing).
Our Trustees have protected essential township services, reduced the costs of government, protected the pocketbooks of residents.  
Our Trustees have balanced the budget and had four years of consecutive surpluses, erasing the projected deficits of the last Supervisor, the political god of Lisa Manzella.  
- And, our Trustees have made Shelby a financially-stronger and more powerful community.

Compare the track record of Supervisor Stathakis and the Board with what the “other” side, led by BOBBLEMAN himself, have to offer, and there really is no comparison.  Clowns, gimmicks, political theater, threats, intimidation, lies, special interest pandering, and a lack of vision and leadership are key characteristics of the BOBBLEMAN BUNCH. 

The election choice this year is clear: Based upon performance in office, Supervisor Rick Stathakis defeats his opponent hands down!

Even though conventional wisdom says you can’t argue with success, there are some people in our township who have shown that wisdom is not something they worry about.  So these people keep attacking, fabricating stories, shouting down others, and trying to take power through any means necessary.  

Why have they repeatedly done this?  What does this mob hope to accomplish by putting their lack of respect for our township on TV for everyone to see?  

Those are very good questions that Shelby voters are asking these days — questions that will most certainly help guide us during the important August primary election.