January 22, 2012

Election 2012: A Clear Choice Between Proven, Successful and Conservative Township Leaders ... OR a return to the big-spending, high-taxing, special-interest-coddling BOBLEMAN BUNCH

What do we, as loyal and hard-working Shelby Township taxpayers, want, need, and expect from our local elected officials?
- Proven and effective leadership;
- Concrete actions, not just words and promises;
- Results, not political rhetoric;
- Fiscal responsibility, not failed policies of the past;
- Transparency and accountability;
- Openness and public input in decisions;
- Real-world professionalism and business expertise.

These attributes, and many more, are what we have right now our current Supervisor Rick Stathakis and the conservative majority on the Board of Trustees.  Why would we risk our future and throw people out of office who have done what they promised, and are moving Shelby forward with a positive outlook?

Supervisor Stathakis was elected by a historic margin in 2008 to serve as a voice of TAXPAYERS — not the voice of special interests or unions.  He has stood firm on his vision and has done the job.

As President Ronald Reagan would say: “Shelby Township is better off today than it was four years ago.”  That is an indisputable FACT.

Today, Shelby Township is a successful model for other cities and townships that are struggling with how to balance budgets, protect services, and prevent tax increases.  Look around: Troy, Sterling Heights, Warren, Clinton Township, Canton Township, Farmington, Washington Township and others are all facing some sort of financial trouble.

The Stathakis record for taxpayers proves that strong leaders, with a strong vision, can get things done:
- Supervisor Stathakis has protected vital services - fire/ems/police - without layoffs or tax hikes.
- Supervisor Stathakis has balanced the township’s budget four years in a row, without tax hikes.
- Supervisor Stathakis has successfully replaced projected deficits {from Maccarone} with four consecutive years of surpluses.
- Supervisor Stathakis has cleaned up the Maccarone mess, while laying a foundation of financial strength that will serve our community well today and for years to come.
Truth aside, if you listen to the Nightingale gang, the Save Shelby fanatics, and the Manzella mob you would think otherwise.  These people are spreading malicious rumors and lies as some kind of strange rationale for getting their hand-picked buddy, Bob Leman, elected township supervisor.

Make no mistake: the BOBLEMAN BUNCH will take our township BACKWARD:
• Back to the days the township was spending MILLIONS more than we could really afford;
• Back to the days when employee unions got increase after increase after increase in wages and benefits;
• Back to the days when special interests (like, say, a towing company) forced elected officials to do things THEIR way or risk talk of recall;
• Back to the days of debt, deficits and financial destruction.

Shelby has been through this financial fire before.  Taxpayers got burned by big-spending politicians who racked up millions of dollars in spending, and then wanted to tax us $50 million to spend some more.  We teetered on bankruptcy, deficits and huge tax increases.

Shelby Twp. Taxpayers for Democracy & Justice will spread the word this election year.  The enemies of progress are tearing Shelby down to build themselves up.  They could care less about the long-term health of our community — they only care about themselves.

We will not let the BOBLEMAN BUNCH throw Shelby back into the financial fire of economic misery, reckless spending, and high taxes.  We proudly stand with the conservative majority on the Board of Trustees by rejecting the premise of the Manzella mob, the Nightingale clan, and the Save Shelby fanatics.  

If you love Shelby Township, as we do, and care about our township’s future, as we do, then join our campaign to stop the BOBLEMAN BUNCH.  All Shelby taxpayers will get BURNED by this group’s “return to the past” mentality for moving Shelby into the future.


  1. Fed up and ready to fight!January 26, 2012 at 8:58 AM

    Good to see other people feel the same at I do about what is going on. We need to control the financial fire - and not throw gas on the flames by returning to the past. Nice job.

  2. WOW! That is all I can say!!!


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