February 8, 2012

“Team Leman” and Their New Mascot “Sassy” Have A HUGE Surprise In Store For Shelby Taxpayers - and We Ain’t Clowning Around

Candidate Bob Leman’s political mascot?

Okay, let’s just come right out and say what most residents are already thinking to themselves:
“The Nightingale/Team Leman group is absolutely, 100 percent cuckoo!”

Democracy is one thing, and we value everyone’s right to free speech.   However, what the Nightingale/Team Leman crew has done, mocking democracy, deliberately creating disorder at meetings, yelling obscenities at Trustees, making veiled (and direct) threats at elected officials, and claiming “entitlement” to this or that, really has crossed the border from democracy into the crazy zone.

For nearly three years now, the Nightingale/Team Leman bunch has been trying to hijack township Board meetings.  Each time they speak, this group kicks up their stupidity a notch:

-- First, they tried with yelling and screaming. 
-- Next, they tried to force their will through a fraudulent recall.
-- Then, they started using four-letter words, claiming “free speech” gives them the constitutionally-protected right to utter vulgarities whenever they want.
-- Now, the Nightingale/Team Leman gang has resorted to hiring a non-resident female clown to show up at the February 7th televised board meeting.

Why?  What is the purpose for such folly?  Sane people really have to wonder.

Township residents who have watched their angry tantrums at Board meetings have already gone on record as calling the Nightingales and their followers a bunch of clowns.  Given this assessment of their crew, why reinforce it by hiring Sassy the clown to show up at a Board meeting (she doesn’t even live in the township).  Face it -- it was just plain weird.

Weirdness, rudeness, and strange behavior has become a hallmark of the Nightingale/Team Leman bunch.

You know, some people have a way of showing what they are really like.  The Nightingale/Team Leman people have long been considered “Shelby’s Bozos” as they have tried to push people around and intimidate people to get their way.  Having a clown come and sit shoulder-to-shoulder with them only reinforces just how silly and “out there” these people truly are.

And these are the people who want to run our township?  Sure, this group may be crazy, but do they really think most Shelby taxpayers are as well?


  1. These people are proud that they were able to hire someone, who doesn't live in Shelby, to come and sit with them? What? This really is bizarre behavior. Kind of reminds me of a six-year-old who does something dumb for attention.

    1. I couldn't agree more. More heartfelt feelings go out to the ex-teacher who so elegantly spoke at Tuesday's meeting and was later harassed by so many of these "Shelby Bozos". You owe her much more respect. You don’t show one iota of class and reverence as she did when you were on the podium!

  2. I was utterly shocked. It is one thing to harass our elected officials, and residents have grown pretty tired of these tactics by the Nightingales. But to go out and attack another resident. And these people claim the Board (our Supervisor) is the problem! These thugs, crooks and thieves are the problem. They got what they deserved, and the clown only showed everyone how they feel about our elected officials, and our township. Shame on them!!!!!!!!

  3. This entire Nightingale KLAN has been clowning around long enough. Glad they got the boot - a well deserve kick in the A$$ after raping taxpayers for years! Amen.

  4. Bob Leman for supervisor? Now I have heard everything. Sure, he loves his family and I'm sure is a nice guy. But he is NO leader. He will bow to the demands of his supporters (towing and unions) and taxpayers will always come last.. Come on Shelby residents please wake up before the nightmare becomes True!


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